Preparing Yourself for Racing Competitions

Whether for leisure or for sport, racing requires planning and preparation especially for participants. Racing has existed as early as the Panhellenic Games in Athens hundreds of years ago. It has greatly evolved and expanded over the centuries, gathering millions of fans and spectators. It has also generated billions of dollars in revenue. Thoroughbred racing alone is estimated to be worth $9 billion dollars according to the Australian.

As participants, racing is both exciting and nerve-wracking. For leisurely races, it can be more relaxing and fun. But competitive races can build on some considerable pressure. Either way, it is important to prepare for major races, no matter the type, as injuries or accidents may happen.  The Conversation reveals one in five people injured on Australian roads and paths is a cyclist, according to a new Australian Institute of Health and Welfare report that examined injury data from 1999–2000 to 2015–16.” Nobody wants to be part of that 20% so here are some tips to help you prepare well for a race.

Check your bike or race equipment

If you will participate in a race that will involve equipment like bikes, it is of utmost importance to double and triple check it before you head out for your big day. Check your wheels and your brakes. The stopping or brake mechanism of any equipment is most important. While speeding up can help you reach your goals, you must also have a way to slow down and fully stop should any danger happen. Visit your bike or car shop for additional support and maintenance jobs. For runners, always check your shoes and match it to the terrain you’ll be running on.

Do warm ups and stretches

When it comes to racing, physical fitness is fundamental. While some races seem less physically demanding (like car racing or roller blading), all racing participants need to be in their best physical and mental shape in order to participate effectively. Before engaging in any major competition, be sure to treat your body with warm up exercises and stretches especially your legs. Nothing is more excruciating and frustrating than to get a leg cramp while joining a bike race. It can even prove lethal if someone is going too fast and a cramp suddenly attacks.

Go for trial runs

Serious competitors train for months or even years before they even get to join their first major race. That is why if you’re a novice, signing up for a fun run the day before the event itself is not such a good idea. Remember, whether for fun or leisure, don’t push your body to the limit if it is not ready to do so. Running for a 5k for example can already be difficult for a person who has never done a marathon in his or her whole life. You need to train your body to run 5k first. This may involve trial runs that gradually increase in distance. You can start with 1k then 3k and then see how you will fare in a 5k trial run. Record these in a journal so you can gauge yourself well.

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